By Marc | February 26th, 2009

The first Naruto Shippuden Movie is getting a dub that is being worked on as we speak.
Wesley Crusher himself is playing someone in it.
We really should be hearing something about the Shippuden dub soon, they’ve been working on it for quite awhile at this point.
edit- Already mentioned Wesley being in it, but just noticed Wil Wheaton himself mentioned it on his twitter earlier today.
By Marc | February 25th, 2009
Few small updates for everyone.
First, some Canadian anime fans have wondered what Best Buy would be doing with anime, and we have a quote from Best Buy Canada.
“The feedback that I received was that Anime titles don’t have the same market penetration here in Canada, mostly due to less TV exposure. As a result, there isn’t this level of a plan for Canada.”
PR guys seem to have their own secret language, so take that to mean…god knows what.
Afro Samurai Resurrection on Blu-ray having Dolby 5.1 audio instead of Dolby TrueHD lossless 5.1. Apparently this happened on an early run of disks by mistake. If you have the lower quality audio, email and they will take care of you.
Site updates should be on a more stable track within a week or two, with a guest review or two. Also, some nice contests.
By Marc | February 19th, 2009
New game that hasn’t been announced even in Japan yet (as far as I know).

Dragonball for the Wii.
Yes, Dragonball, not Dragonball Z.
Only information I know so far about the games plot…

At some point in the game you get to wail on General White.
More news to come when I get it.
By Marc | February 6th, 2009
Anchor Bay (Manga and Anchor Bay are both owned by the same company) will be showing off their upcoming Ghost in the Shell Blu-ray at the NYCC this weekend.
Maybe it’ll be the 2.0 version? Should know soon.