By Alex | August 6th, 2011
I said to look out for a Flashpoint #2 review soon, didn’t I? Well, maybe this isn’t exactly “soon”, but that’s because this is much more than that! We’ve decided to do several Flashpoint updates, covering the event as it happens, mostly from my semi-clueless perspective. Today I’ll be covering both Flashpoint #2 and #3, as well as several of the tie-in issues that have come out recently.

At this point there are more than twenty issues relating to Flashpoint available. I normally try to avoid giving away big spoilers, but it’s going to be almost impossible for these updates. If you don’t want anything spoiled, I’d advise you to read no further.
Seeing as there’s so much to cover this month, I’m going to be breaking this down into sections. First up, let’s take a look at issue #2 of the main book. Continue reading →
By Alex | June 24th, 2011
I’m reviewing another western comic already? Apparently so. This is issue #1 of the new miniseries, Flashpoint.

Flashpoint is Geoff Johns’ latest big event, and he and DC themselves have said it’s fine if you just want to pick up this book without reading the large amount of build up to it. To be honest, I hadn’t even heard of it, and I didn’t even know it was a Flash story when I was asked and agreed to review it! So once again, I’m going to be finding out if this comic really can stand alone and be enjoyed by someone who’s completely out of the loop. Continue reading →
By Alex | May 9th, 2011
This isn’t the kind of thing I’m normally asked to review, but there’s a first time for everything. Today will be my first review of a western comic book: Action Comics #900.

#900 is a milestone issue, so as well as finding out just what I think of it, I’m going to be asking myself if it’s a good place for new readers to jump in. I haven’t read a DC comic since around the Blackest Night event, so I might just have been the right person to ask! Continue reading →
By Alex | February 27th, 2011
Gunslinger Girl is hitting bookshelves again, this time thanks to Seven Seas Entertainment.

This first release from them is an omnibus collecting volumes 1 through 3 of the manga. That’s 544 pages of gunslinging action! This wasn’t my first attempt to get into the series, so how did I like it this time? Read on and find out! Continue reading →
By Alex | February 3rd, 2011
We’ve been meaning to have me write something for The Fanboy Review for a while—around a year, in fact—so here I am! This is my first review around here, and I’m quite happy with the show the boss decided on. So let’s get down to it and take a look at the latest release of Tenchi Muyo! GXP.

The truth is that I’ve been a fan of Tenchi Muyo! for a long time. I was always interested in animation in general, but I was first introduced to Japanese animation properly when I was still in school, and Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki happened to be one of the first shows I collected on VHS. As such, it’s surprising that this is my first time taking a proper look at GXP, but I just never got around to it. It’s about eight years old now, so how does it hold up as a show, and how good is this latest release of it? Continue reading →