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Author Archives: Marc
The Avengers- Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, Casting Info
By Marc | October 14th, 2008

Little nugget of exclusive (as far as I’m aware) info from your friendly neighborhood SpiderMarc…

The new Avengers cartoon will be recorded at anime favorite studio Studiopolis, and they are currently in the midst of trying out some of your favorite actors.  Could we get a Crispin Freeman Ant Man?  A Kyle Hebert Thor?  Wendee Lee as the Wasp?  Who knows, but it’ll be interesting (and does this bode well for a Steve Blum guest appearance as everyone’s favorite snikt bub mutant Wolverine?)

Not really an anime actor, but I’d love Frank Welker to get cast as Hulk and do his Krunk voice.

{That cast stuff is just me theorizing, minus a few people I have no knowledge of anyone specific trying out..}

….AVENGERS ASSEMBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Will update with more when/if I’m allowed to say more…

Categories: News
Random Fun- October 9th, 2008
By Marc | October 9th, 2008

This is just way to awesome to not post

Categories: Feature
School Rumble Season 2 Part 1- Early Look
By Marc | October 7th, 2008

Still trying to catch up on papers from being sick (still a bit sick in fact) so no in depth review until the weekend, but some early looking for everyone.

I think for alot of people this will be the set that is used to decide if Funimation knows what they are doing with their new way of doing boxsets. Continue reading

Categories: Feature
ADV Has Clannad
By Marc | September 28th, 2008

After getting both Air and Kanon and being rather proud of the work put into them, and Sojitz screwing up all their stuff for nearly a year now, ADV has finally popped back with a real swinger after announcing some junky live action movies and an OVA no one cared about.

ADV had Clannad.

Due to the NYAF going on this weekend and ADV being elsewhere, it appears few places have picked up on the news yet.

They’ve only really been back for a month and already have one of the most awaited shows there is (not sure I care though, tired of shows that end depressingly, don’t know how Clannad ends though) makes you wonder if ADV may have any other licensed suprises they just haven’t revealed yet.

Categories: News
New Captain Harlock In English?
By Marc | September 21st, 2008

I’ve considered for a day if I should post about this, and decided to.

Apparently something Captain Harlock is being dubbed at the moment.

I think everything Harlock titled has had some sort of American release already, so one wonders what it could be.

A dub for the sub only stuff?  A dub for a new release of something else?

It was said by a well known dub actor with no note that it shouldn’t be announced, but I’m leaving names out becuase I honestly think it may have been mentioned by accident (and there was no denial when I checked with the person earlier today).


Categories: News
Kingdom Hearts: Re: Chain of Memories USA Release Info
By Marc | September 19th, 2008

I was the first person who told everyone we’d get it, and now it’s officially confirmed.

We will get the game on December 2nd.  It’ll be 30 bucks.  It has new cast recordings.

Looking forward to it as a nice inbetween for new stuff.

Categories: News
Blue Dragon Dub Change
By Marc | September 15th, 2008

Still to busy to write any of my fancy shmancy articles, but I have some dubbing news.

Jeff Nimoy has taken over dub directing duties for Blue Dragon.

Categories: News
By Marc | September 3rd, 2008

Been busy with classes but I’m working on a few things for the site.  Hope to post them soon.

Categories: Uncategorized
Random Fun- August 30th, 2008
By Marc | August 30th, 2008

Love Chris Rock.

Categories: Feature
Hunter x Hunter Dub Info
By Marc | August 27th, 2008

Been a bit busy with class stuff, so sorry for the lack of updates, but I got you guys some news.

I’ve been informed by someone in the know that Hunter x Hunter is being dubbed in Canada, and NOT by Ocean.  This means that it is likely being dubbed by Blue Water.

Yay…. I guess.

Categories: News