Author Archives: Marc
By Marc | August 24th, 2008
I really enjoy Overman King Gainer, and it’s opening is just awesome. Categories: Feature
By Marc | August 22nd, 2008
Wow, nearly a month before the DVD is released. This review is spoiler free. The first movie based on the Death Note manga finally gets an American DVD release from one of Viz’s sub-brands, Viz Pictures. Being one of Viz’s most popular brands, one would hope Death Note would get a grand treatment, and luckily it is. Let’s take a look at what is right and wrong with the DVD of Death Note. Continue reading By Marc | August 21st, 2008
This is one of my favorite SNL Digital Shorts. Just found it funny how ludicrous it went. Categories: Feature
By Marc | August 21st, 2008
Lots of good stuff from Funimation in November. I needs more monies… Singles Movies Sets and Collections Blu-ray Then Funimation has some stuff to distribute for Geneon Singles Sets and Collections Then we have a nice collection of boxsets of stuff rescued (jacked) from Sojitz (ADV) Sets and Collections Far to much stuff. Categories: News
By Marc | August 20th, 2008
It’s time for a new (and the final, if you believe Atari) Dragonball Z game for the Playstation 2. So what’s up and what’s it about. Continue reading Categories: News
By Marc | August 19th, 2008
I enjoyed the Saget roast. I wonder why Coulier wasn’t up on stage roasting him, but it was pretty good. One of the highpoints was Stamos. Here’s one of the better gags. Categories: Uncategorized
By Marc | August 19th, 2008
Charles Martinet, voice of Mario and many different video game characters (but most well known for god knows how many other Nintendo characters including: Luigi, Wario, the Baby Mario Bros., and tons more) will be at the Nintendo World Store in Manhattan this Sunday (August 24th) from noon to 4pm to sign copies of the new Mario Sluggers game (Mario Super Sluggers) for the Wii. {Thanks to Charles Martinet for the news.} Categories: News
By Marc | August 19th, 2008
Got some information on the English version of the game. Everyone should be aware the information regarding this only seems to list it as coming out in Europe in December 2008, but since some listings have shown up at American stores, we will probably get it sooner rather than later. (Some of this news may have been known for the Japanese version, but it can be confirmed for the English version now). Also have some screenshots and nice high resolution looks at the game character models Continue reading Categories: News
By Marc | August 18th, 2008
Just thought I’d comment on this since it has apparently spread around a bit based solely on one actor making a comment that then mysteriously vanished. Bleach isn’t dead, it’s still being dubbed. I have 100% confirmation that Wendee Lee was at Studiopolis last week directing more Bleach. SO let all your Bleach crazed friends know, Bleach is gonna keep coming in the USA. ~This article has been edited due to a mistake, it previously said Wendee Lee was at Studiopolis directing Bleach today. I had misunderstood what I was told, she was there last week.~ Categories: News
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