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Mobile Suit Gundam (DVD), Review
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Author Archives: Marc
Team Fortress 2 Free Weekend on August 22nd
By Marc | August 14th, 2008

To celebrate the upcoming major upgrade coming to the game, know as “The Heavy” Update, the weekend starting Friday, August 22nd the game will be available to download and play for free on Steam.

The Heavy Update will be adding new weapons, achievements, a new gameplay type, and multiple new maps.

Categories: News
Bionic Commando Evolution Trailer
By Marc | August 13th, 2008

So when you bought Bionic Commando Rearmed (the remake of the original game, review coming soon), you got to download a special trailer for the new game (the TRAILER is called Evolution, the new game is just called Bionic Commando).

If the game is half as good as it looks in the trailer, playing it may result in a ludicrous amount of enjoyment.

Categories: News
Random Fun- August 13th, 2008
By Marc | August 13th, 2008

You know, Family Guy really should do more alternate openings.  They’ve only done a few and this one was really good simply because, no way anyone saw it coming.

Categories: Uncategorized
Donkey Kong Jenga
By Marc | August 12th, 2008

A friend sent me this picture of a new game that came out last month.

This may be one of the greatest inventions in the history of mankind…

….we need Tetris Jenga, stat!

Categories: News
Random Fun- August 12th, 2008
By Marc | August 12th, 2008

I’m not sure what I liked better about this episode…  the story?  the art?…nah.  It is completely about the mock anime song.  Was even better in HD.

Categories: Feature
Madman Atomic Comics #9- The One Picture Comic
By Marc | August 12th, 2008

For people who got the last issue of Madman Atomic Comics (it was a good issue), you may have noticed something…  The entire comic was one single panel.  It was a neat idea for a book, the only issue is, 1 panel over an entire book means it was split apart many times.

Thanks to Madman creator Mike Allred the entire issue as one image has been made available.  No voice bubbles though, so if you want to know what exactly is going on go out and buy the issue.

It’s an interesting artistic experiment.  Comics rely on panels of differing shape and size to show time’s passage, action happening, and to move the story, so it is very interesting to see all that done as a single picture.

Madman Atomic Comics #9- The Entire Issue, One Panel {Newsarama}

Categories: Feature, News
2 Right Stuf DVD Covers
By Marc | August 12th, 2008

We got some giant shiny DVD art for two Nozomi Entertainment (Right Stuf) titles coming out later on in the year (the artwork isn’t final).  I haven’t seen these anywhere else yet, so enjoy.

First we have the second season of Maria Watches Over Us.

edit- While I haven’t been able to confirm this with 100% accuracy, the other side of the box will have this image in the frame.

Then next we have the classic Towards the Terra movie.

Looking forward to both of these myself (where’s the remastered Tylor box Right Stuf?)

Categories: News
ADV and Their Amazing Changing Boxes
By Marc | August 12th, 2008

I’ve gotten a few questions from friends about this, saw Nebs wonder about it, and seen at least two people claim they had to for ‘legal reasons’, so I felt it was about time I explain what is up with ADV re-releasing all kinds of old thinpak boxes they’ve done with new covers, and why new covers equals more sales. Continue reading

Categories: Feature
Comic Release List- 8/13/2008
By Marc | August 11th, 2008

Every Monday night I’ll post the comic release list for the upcoming Wednesday.

This is every issue that comes out.  I remove collectables, graphic novels, 2nd printings, etc.  I try to make it a bit more readable also.  Feel free to post your list in your comment if you’d like. Continue reading

Categories: Feature
Random Fun- August 11th, 2008
By Marc | August 11th, 2008


Categories: Feature