Author Archives: Marc
By Marc | February 25th, 2009
Few small updates for everyone. Categories: News
By Marc | February 19th, 2009
New game that hasn’t been announced even in Japan yet (as far as I know). Categories: News
By Marc | February 6th, 2009
Anchor Bay (Manga and Anchor Bay are both owned by the same company) will be showing off their upcoming Ghost in the Shell Blu-ray at the NYCC this weekend. Categories: News
By Marc | January 30th, 2009
It’s time for one of the bigger, if not the biggest early review I’ve done, Akira. Akira is one of the biggest, if not THE biggest anime as far as us over here in the USA are often concerned with. Over the years with more and more big name releases it may get a bit more bogged down when it comes to discussions of the biggest things ever, but for anyone who got into anime years ago, Akira is the big shadow in the room. By Marc | January 12th, 2009
Got a bit of info on the 5cm per Second dub. Categories: News
By Marc | January 10th, 2009
Got a stack of early news that may interest people. Let’s start with the least interesting stuff first. Dragonball Z TV Blu-rays are being worked on (or at least in the higher side of planning stages, I’m not 100% sure on that). Beyond that, I know nothing (minus a hint of maybe a pack in exclusive at Best Buy, but not sure about that). Last year Matt Greenfield said at a con that Bandai had 5cm per Second, and earlier this week someone put up an acting credit via Bang Zoom. Evangelion 1.0. I mentioned this on Aod, but people didn’t seem to notice I wasn’t theorizing, so I’ll mention it here with a few more details. It’s being recorded at Funimation (and was recording before New Years). I don’t know cast details for sure, but I can say the following. The director is one of Funimation’s directors (can’t say who, although Funimation isn’t beyond using multiple directors for a project, don’t know if this one does, but if it isn’t, then it isn’t Greenfield). Funimation has the FMA Premium Collection OVAs and was dubbing THOSE before 2009 started also. As far as I’m aware and have been told, castwise, everyone should be back. Don’t know about release details for these yet, but I’ll update when/if I get further info. Categories: News
By Marc | December 26th, 2008
After lots of problems in 2008, with quite a few recalls, it’s time for one of Bandai’s big 2009 products, a new year, a new start, let’s see how Bandai does with their first Blu-ray, of Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence. Categories: Anime Review
By Marc | December 21st, 2008
Working on some reviews at the moment. Been a bit busy. Reviews soon though! Categories: Uncategorized
By Marc | December 15th, 2008
No, no date for the USA, but news that suggests it is coming sooner rather than later. I can confirm the added scenes for Adventure Children Complete are being dubbed by the same English cast that did the original English dub as we speak. Categories: News
By Marc | December 8th, 2008
Here are the first HD screenshots/promotional pics from the final Futurama DTV, Into the Wild Green Yonder. I love Futurama, but honestly, DTV 2 and 3 felt a little weak, especially after the first one being just amazing. Categories: News
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