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Category Archives: News
Stack o’ News- DBZ Blu, FMA OVAs, Eva 1.0, and Bandai 5cm
By Marc | January 10th, 2009

Got a stack of early news that may interest people.  Let’s start with the least interesting stuff first.


Dragonball Z TV Blu-rays are being worked on (or at least in the higher side of planning stages, I’m not 100% sure on that).  Beyond that, I know nothing (minus a hint of maybe a pack in exclusive at Best Buy, but not sure about that).


Last year Matt Greenfield said at a con that Bandai had 5cm per Second, and earlier this week someone put up an acting credit via Bang Zoom.

After talking to a few people, Bang Zoom definately has redubbed it for Bandai, likely for a Blu-ray.  Not 100% sure on the Blu-ray front, but from what I’ve been told, that seems to be the plan.  Can’t say if the old dub will be on it or not.


Evangelion 1.0.  I mentioned this on Aod, but people didn’t seem to notice I wasn’t theorizing, so I’ll mention it here with a few more details.  It’s being recorded at Funimation (and was recording before New Years).  I don’t know cast details for sure, but I can say the following.  The director is one of Funimation’s directors (can’t say who, although Funimation isn’t beyond using multiple directors for a project, don’t know if this one does, but if it isn’t, then it isn’t Greenfield).

and now for the one that most people will probably care about.


Funimation has the FMA Premium Collection OVAs and was dubbing THOSE before 2009 started also.  As far as I’m aware and have been told, castwise, everyone should be back. Don’t know about release details for these yet, but I’ll update when/if I get further info.

(All of these are sourced from multiple people whom are trustworthy and asked to remain anonymous)

Categories: News
Advent Children Complete USA News
By Marc | December 15th, 2008

No, no date for the USA, but news that suggests it is coming sooner rather than later.


I can confirm the added scenes for Adventure Children Complete are being dubbed by the same English cast that did the original English dub as we speak.

Categories: News
First HD Shots of Futurama: Into the Wild Green Yonder
By Marc | December 8th, 2008

Here are the first HD screenshots/promotional pics from the final Futurama DTV, Into the Wild Green Yonder.




I love Futurama, but honestly, DTV 2 and 3 felt a little weak, especially after the first one being just amazing.

Categories: News
The Real Ghosbusters- Series Box, Preview
By Marc | November 24th, 2008

Leaving for the holiday tomorrow and doing papers now, so no time to go thru the set in any real depth.

Some caps from the menu, the opening, the first episode, one of the episode introductions, and the pilot video in the gallery.

This set has some REAL heft to it.  One of the heavier DVD boxes I can remember.  Box is really nice, has some texture to it.

Visually, it’s probably the best the show has ever looked.  Will it win any awards for visuals, not at all.  But definately the best we can expect the show to ever look.  (Without having checked stuff in depth, I’d give the video quality a solid B, or even higher if you take into account its age).

Audio is just great.  There’s depth to the audio that I never remember existing before.

I’ll try and do an in depth review right when I get back on Saturday/Sunday.

But this is a great set and worth the money, especially if you have memories of the show from when you were a kid.

All caps are lossless PNGs taken in VLC, more will be done for the review. (Caps are sized 640×480 so as to display properly on computer monitors, as encoded the disks are 720×480, but having the caps be 640×480 emulates how they will appear on your television screen).

Categories: Feature, News
Naruto Shippuden in the USA News!- Updated
By Marc | November 16th, 2008

Viz is gonna start airring Shippuden almost day and date with the Japanese airrings and try and catch up with earlier episodes as fast as they can.

Frankly it seems a bit stupid to do it that way since it’s a plot based show and the early Shippuden haven’t gotten an American release yet (and who knows what this says about the potential for the show on TV).

Viz to Stream Naruto Within 1 Week of Japanese Airring {Anime News Network}

Update-  Tv Tokyo will be putting new Naruto on Crunchyroll subbed an HOUR after it airs on Japanese TV.

TV Tokyo to Also Stream Naruto Through Crunchyroll {Anime News Network}

Categories: News
New Mysterious Cities of Gold Series
By Marc | November 11th, 2008

Confirmed thru multiple places, at a recent convention in France a new Mysterious Cities of Gold series was announced.

No idea as of yet if it will be a coproduction with Japan like the original, but apparently the designs will be very similiar, and the original series director is involved in some fashion. 3 seasons of 26 episodes each.

Original French Source {I’ve double checked this and confirmed with multiple people whom I trust that this is in fact real}

Categories: News
The Avengers- Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, Casting Info
By Marc | October 14th, 2008

Little nugget of exclusive (as far as I’m aware) info from your friendly neighborhood SpiderMarc…

The new Avengers cartoon will be recorded at anime favorite studio Studiopolis, and they are currently in the midst of trying out some of your favorite actors.  Could we get a Crispin Freeman Ant Man?  A Kyle Hebert Thor?  Wendee Lee as the Wasp?  Who knows, but it’ll be interesting (and does this bode well for a Steve Blum guest appearance as everyone’s favorite snikt bub mutant Wolverine?)

Not really an anime actor, but I’d love Frank Welker to get cast as Hulk and do his Krunk voice.

{That cast stuff is just me theorizing, minus a few people I have no knowledge of anyone specific trying out..}

….AVENGERS ASSEMBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Will update with more when/if I’m allowed to say more…

Categories: News
ADV Has Clannad
By Marc | September 28th, 2008

After getting both Air and Kanon and being rather proud of the work put into them, and Sojitz screwing up all their stuff for nearly a year now, ADV has finally popped back with a real swinger after announcing some junky live action movies and an OVA no one cared about.

ADV had Clannad.

Due to the NYAF going on this weekend and ADV being elsewhere, it appears few places have picked up on the news yet.

They’ve only really been back for a month and already have one of the most awaited shows there is (not sure I care though, tired of shows that end depressingly, don’t know how Clannad ends though) makes you wonder if ADV may have any other licensed suprises they just haven’t revealed yet.

Categories: News
New Captain Harlock In English?
By Marc | September 21st, 2008

I’ve considered for a day if I should post about this, and decided to.

Apparently something Captain Harlock is being dubbed at the moment.

I think everything Harlock titled has had some sort of American release already, so one wonders what it could be.

A dub for the sub only stuff?  A dub for a new release of something else?

It was said by a well known dub actor with no note that it shouldn’t be announced, but I’m leaving names out becuase I honestly think it may have been mentioned by accident (and there was no denial when I checked with the person earlier today).


Categories: News
Kingdom Hearts: Re: Chain of Memories USA Release Info
By Marc | September 19th, 2008

I was the first person who told everyone we’d get it, and now it’s officially confirmed.

We will get the game on December 2nd.  It’ll be 30 bucks.  It has new cast recordings.

Looking forward to it as a nice inbetween for new stuff.

Categories: News