Category Archives: Comic Review
By Alex | August 6th, 2011
I said to look out for a Flashpoint #2 review soon, didn’t I? Well, maybe this isn’t exactly “soon”, but that’s because this is much more than that! We’ve decided to do several Flashpoint updates, covering the event as it happens, mostly from my semi-clueless perspective. Today I’ll be covering both Flashpoint #2 and #3, as well as several of the tie-in issues that have come out recently.

At this point there are more than twenty issues relating to Flashpoint available. I normally try to avoid giving away big spoilers, but it’s going to be almost impossible for these updates. If you don’t want anything spoiled, I’d advise you to read no further.
Seeing as there’s so much to cover this month, I’m going to be breaking this down into sections. First up, let’s take a look at issue #2 of the main book. Continue reading →
By Alex | June 24th, 2011
I’m reviewing another western comic already? Apparently so. This is issue #1 of the new miniseries, Flashpoint.

Flashpoint is Geoff Johns’ latest big event, and he and DC themselves have said it’s fine if you just want to pick up this book without reading the large amount of build up to it. To be honest, I hadn’t even heard of it, and I didn’t even know it was a Flash story when I was asked and agreed to review it! So once again, I’m going to be finding out if this comic really can stand alone and be enjoyed by someone who’s completely out of the loop. Continue reading →
By Alex | May 9th, 2011
This isn’t the kind of thing I’m normally asked to review, but there’s a first time for everything. Today will be my first review of a western comic book: Action Comics #900.

#900 is a milestone issue, so as well as finding out just what I think of it, I’m going to be asking myself if it’s a good place for new readers to jump in. I haven’t read a DC comic since around the Blackest Night event, so I might just have been the right person to ask! Continue reading →
By Alex | February 27th, 2011
Gunslinger Girl is hitting bookshelves again, this time thanks to Seven Seas Entertainment.

This first release from them is an omnibus collecting volumes 1 through 3 of the manga. That’s 544 pages of gunslinging action! This wasn’t my first attempt to get into the series, so how did I like it this time? Read on and find out! Continue reading →
By Jonathan | February 20th, 2011
I’m extremely disappointed right now. When I read a manga called Amnesia Labyrinth, I expect to see someone wake up in a maze without any memory of how they got there. That’s not what this is at all!

Sarcasm aside, Amnesia Labyrinth isn’t nearly as exciting as its intriguing name would suggest. The series has just hit American shelves in graphic-novel format courtesy of Seven Seas Entertainment, and I can’t say I was riveted by the four chapters included in this first volume. In fact—and I know I sound like a bit of a bastard for starting out the review this way—the volume peaks in its first three pages. You look at the catchy (if misleading) cover, read the synopsis on the back, and settle down to read a good ol’ mystery manga about a couple of high-school kids. And what’s the first thing to happen in the volume? An innocent student gets shoved in front of an oncoming train. Continue reading →
By Rachel Oliver | January 12th, 2010

In the immediate aftermath of Dark Reign comes Marvel’s next big crossover event, Siege. This event is being hyped as perhaps the biggest, most important one in years for the Marvel Universe; a culmination of everything since Avengers Disassembled, and the end of an era. It’s an awful lot to live up to, and comic promotion by a publisher is naturally full of exaggeration. But is the series really going to be that grand? Looking at the first issue, it’s a little hard to tell. Continue reading →
By Rachel Oliver | December 24th, 2009

We recently received a few issues of an independent comic series to look at called Ministry, by Lara Phillips. As a big departure from our usual Marvel or DC reviews, I definitely wasn’t sure what to expect going in. Let’s see how it turned out. Continue reading →
By Rachel Oliver | November 20th, 2009
After much build-up and hype, DC’s big Blackest Night event finally began this summer, and is roughly halfway over now. The Green Lanterns, as well as numerous other heroes, are put to the test by the appearance of Black Lanterns — fallen heroes revived to extinguish all light from the universe. One could call it a glorified zombie event, but is there more to it than that? Let’s look at all the material released thus far.

To clarify, this review will cover Blackest Night #0-4, Green Lantern #43-47, Green Lantern Corps #39-41, Blackest Night: Batman #1-3, Blackest Night: Superman #1-3, Blackest Night: Titans #1-3, and Blackest Night: Tales of the Corps #1-3.
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By Justin | July 26th, 2009
At first I’d planned to kick this off with a joke, and then I realized I am just not that funny. So, whatever, its Spider-Man!

So, Spidey’s made something of a milestone for himself in the comic world with his book, The Amazing Spider-Man, reaching its 600th issue. Six hundred issues. That’s an impressive number of books, to say the least. I can’t even fathom what such a collection would look like.
But that isn’t the only thing Marvel had in store for us, simply not content to let a momentous occasion like this to slip by, the book boasts over one hundred pages and a variety of short stories.
There’s seriously a lot of book here. Now to find out if it lives up to its special treatment…. Continue reading →
By Rachel Oliver | May 28th, 2009
Wolverine. Certainly one of the most popular and well-known comic heroes (or anti-heroes, I should probably say). Combined with the fact that he was the focus of a live-action movie that was released just a few weeks ago, it should come as a shock to no one that he has a new series related to his Weapon X days. But is it any good, or is it just a forgettable cash-in on the movie?
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