Tag Archives: Dragonball Z
By Marc | May 5th, 2010
I bet you are wondering why I’m reviewing Kai again…

I decided since I have both on hand to not leave our DVD only friends hanging without proper caps and a review. When it is appropriate I’ll be using text from the Blu-ray, but anything that is different for the DVD version (packaging, video quality, audio, etc) will be freshly written. And as a small note: Any grades I give here will be specific to what is expected or wanted from a DVD, so if a video or audio grade is higher here than it was in the Blu-ray review, it does not mean the DVD is superior. And if you want to read the Blu-ray review first: Dragon Ball Z Kai: Part One (Blu-ray), Early Review Continue reading →
By Marc | May 5th, 2010
After doing the review of Dragon Ball Z Kai on Blu-ray I decided to check the DVD. Very quickly I noticed a difference in colors in the remastered Z footage. When I showed some screen shots to a friend to find out about the Japanese Kai Blu-ray, he actually ran it over right then so I could take a screen shot for a comparison.
I’ll let the image and my notes on it speak for themselves. Feel free to share. I didn’t include the Japanese DVD because I don’t know anyone who has it. Click on it for full size.

Each version has its own odd quirks and I’m quite sure arguments over which of the three has superior colors will go on for years. It’d also be interesting to find out who tweaked each version and why any tweaks were made (did Funi tweak their versions or did Toei? If so, why the Blu-ray and not the DVD?)
After doing that image comparison, I decided to check the intro, which has entirely new animation. Each one is different in the intro also, but in different ways than in the episode itself, which suggests each intro was tweaked separately from the episode. (Click to see full size)

For the remastered footage you could argue any of them could be better based on how you feel about color in general, but for the brand new animation, the American Blu-ray clearly seems superior.
It’s worth mentioning that a slight difference in brightness between an American disk and a Japanese disk is normal. Japanese and American TVs have different black levels, so tweaking of the brightness is normally done to make them match when being viewed, but this doesn’t appear to be the tweaking that caused these differences (especially since there are three clearly different examples instead of two.)
Think I should update the first image with other DVD versions of Dragon Ball Z for comparisons sake?
Update- I chose to leave the original comparisons up as they are more relevant seeing as they all have the same and proper aspect ratio, but I’ve made an updated version that adds the Japanese DVD into the mix.
Thanks to Hujio from Kanzentai for the lossless captures of the proper frames.

The show content itself is interesting in that there is a slight addition of footage on the side and that (once again) the colors are different.
Although frankly the shot of the intro is a bit crazier

Yeah… it’s pretty terrible. It is definitely the worst of the four in this case. It definitely makes it appear that DVDs from Toei were a late addition to the plan for Kai in Japan, as no care seemed to have been taken with the encode at all.
If you’d like to read a review of the Blu-ray of Dragon Ball Z Kai, we actually have one (it is actually what ended up leading to this article.) Feel free to have a read: Dragon Ball Z Kai: Part One (Blu-ray), Early Review
By Marc | February 2nd, 2010
Dragon Ball Kai was finally announced by Funi as Dragon Ball Z Kai.

Here’s a bit of extra info I’ve had on hand for awhile about the release.
The current plan is to have the first DVD and BD boxes in May.
The BD releases will have a five dollar premium.
Having talked to a few people, it appears the cast will remain the same as the Funimation Dragon Ball Z dub, but with greater care being given to the script. I say appears because I’ve only talked to a few people, they are indeed playing the same roles they played before, and they were under the impression it was going to be the same cast, this may not apply for every character.
The show started being dubbed last year.
That’s all the information I have at the moment, but I’ll update if I gain anymore
Categories: Feature, News
By Rachel Oliver | January 29th, 2010

In 1999, Pioneer began releasing the edited TV version of the first two dub seasons of Dragon Ball Z on DVD. In 2000, FUNimation began releasing their own uncut, bilingual DVDs of the series, starting with the third dub season. In 2005, after the rest of the series was finished, FUNimation began releasing bilingual, uncut versions of the episodes that were previously sub-licensed to Pioneer (now known as Geneon). But those releases were quietly canceled before even the first dub season was finished, leaving a gap of forty episodes that were never released in this format. However, in 2007, FUNimation re-started their Dragon Ball Z DVD releases in a “remastered” format that was cropped to widescreen, and fully released every episode this way from beginning to end in boxed sets. Thus, there has only been one consistent release of all 291 episodes of Dragon Ball Z in North America, but at the cost of roughly one-sixth of the footage from every frame of every episode. Continue reading →
By Marc | June 2nd, 2009
Some game news from E3 via press releases.
Looks like the new Dragon Ball related games will be published directly by Namco-Bandai and be Atari free.
Dragon Ball Z: Attack of the Saiyans, for the Nintendo DS. This one is the Kai RPG (guess that tells us if Funi secretly has Kai yet or not.)
Dragon Ball: Raging Blast, for the 360/PS3. This is a fighting/action game that is in the style of Budokai Tenkaichi/Sparking.
Dragon Ball: Revenge of King Piccolo, for the Wii. This is a sidescrolling platform action game, that we first told you about here on FBR far far earlier in the year before it was fully known what the game was yet.
All three games are scheduled for release this fall
Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z – © 2009 BIRD STUDIO/SHUEISHA, TOEI ANIMATION. Licensed by FUNimation® Productions, Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
By Marc | May 13th, 2009
Oh boy, everyone is gonna love this….
Apparently Fox is prepping a new/different (maybe it’s the foreign cut?) of Dragonball Evolution for home video, and it will be called….
Dragonball Evolution: Z-Edition
I’m trying not to laugh, but…. lol
edit- Having watched a screener of the “Z-Edition” film with two other staff members, I think it’s probably likely that “Z-Edition” is just what they will be calling the DVD instead of special edition, or any other name and not necessarily signifying a new cut of the movie. Will update if we get any more info on it.
By Marc | April 13th, 2009
Entries are in, contest is closed.
I’ll be going thru the entries this weekend and emailing the winners to decide on their prizes once I choose the placement.
By Marc | March 23rd, 2009
Wow, we already have an American anime Blu-ray getting a double dip (well mostly anyways). Here we are again with yet another Broly Blu-ray. The original ‘prototype’ Blu-ray disk had quite a few problems.

Is this new disk’s power maximum? Let’s go take a look. Continue reading →
By Marc | March 22nd, 2009
Time for our first contest.
This time we have a few prizes to give away.
2 copies of Dragonball Z Season Eight
1 copy of Dragonball Z Double Feature- Super Android 13/Bojack Unbound (DVD version)
1 copy of Dragonball Z Triple Feature- Broly Triple Feature (DVD version)
1 copy of Afro Samurai Resurrection- Directors Cut (DVD version)
This contest we will make a smidge harder than the easiest thing possible.
Name your favorite fight from any anime, comic, cartoon, movie, or videogame and why.
My favorite five answers will get to choose their prize in order (number 1 gets whatever they want, 2, 3, and 4 get to choose from what’s left by their turn, and 5 gets the last item). If I see any that I think deserve a prize past that, I may add a prize or two to the list.
Please send contest entries to contests@fanboyreview.net. Please only enter once. In your email include your answer and your name and address. If you are under 18 please include an email address for a guardian and be aware that Afro Samurai will only be awarded on the guardians permission. Contest ends at 11:59pm (Pacific) on April 12th, 2009 (that’s a Sunday).
Didn’t win but still want the DVDs? Help support The Fanboy Review by buying from Amazon.
Fine Print- The Fanboy Review reserves the right to cancel the contest at any time for any reason. Contest is open to anyone in the multiverse, but will only be shipped within the continental United States and Canada (if you enter and win from elsewhere, you can still win, but you gotta pick a place within the shipping area). Fanboy Review staff is not eligible. Duplicate entries will be deleted. Winners names will be posted on The Fanboy Review. Mailing addresses and other contact information provided will be used only to contact in regards to the contest and shipping any prizes. Information will not be given out, sold, or otherwise used in any malicious or annoying way. We reserve the right to add new rules as is needed, including while a contest is running. We aren’t responsible for any of the following happening due to the contest or the prize: death, injury, destruction, faith in humanity being lost, etc. WE aren’t responsible if anything happens to the prize during shipping, or the prize is just bad.
Dragon Ball Z – © 2004 BIRD STUDIO/SHUEISHA, TOEI ANIMATION. Licensed by FUNimation® Productions, Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
Afro Samurai – ©TAKASHI OKAZAKI, GONZO / GDH. Licensed by FUNimation® Productions, Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
Categories: Contest, Feature
By Marc | August 20th, 2008
It’s time for a new (and the final, if you believe Atari) Dragonball Z game for the Playstation 2.

So what’s up and what’s it about. Continue reading →