Tag Archives: Viz
By Marc | October 31st, 2009
Another year, another Naruto movie on DVD. This time it’s based on Shippuden though, so everyone is a little older and a little wiser (well not really wiser…) By Marc | September 19th, 2009
It’s time for more Naruto. Last time we left the precocious ninja children, Naruto was leaving the village to spend a few years training to prepare to fight the villains everyone knows is coming. By Marc | September 3rd, 2009
The second Bleach movie is getting it’s American release almost a year after the first. This time around the movie sticks it’s focus on a known character. By Marc | July 24th, 2009
Confirming the news we found out earlier in the week, Viz is indeed releasing the Kekkaishi anime in the USA. Categories: News
By Marc | March 21st, 2009
Time for our first interview. First one is some questions answered by the fine folks at Viz Pictures. I helped come up with the questions with our new staff member Kevin, who got the interview with Viz Pictures set up. You guys should get to see some reviews and other articles from him soon. By Marc | March 4th, 2009
For all you Bleach fans out there, some news. By Marc | February 26th, 2009
Categories: News
By Marc | November 16th, 2008
Viz is gonna start airring Shippuden almost day and date with the Japanese airrings and try and catch up with earlier episodes as fast as they can. Frankly it seems a bit stupid to do it that way since it’s a plot based show and the early Shippuden haven’t gotten an American release yet (and who knows what this says about the potential for the show on TV). Viz to Stream Naruto Within 1 Week of Japanese Airring {Anime News Network} Update- Tv Tokyo will be putting new Naruto on Crunchyroll subbed an HOUR after it airs on Japanese TV. TV Tokyo to Also Stream Naruto Through Crunchyroll {Anime News Network} Categories: News
By Marc | November 16th, 2008
Old by the standard of most modern anime fans and companies, Hunter x Hunter is getting a release from the only company with a Shonen Jump stamp to use as they please. Far easier to write than my review last week (what shonen adventure show ISN’T easy to lay down and watch?), let’s see if this dog can hunt. Continue reading By Marc | September 15th, 2008
Still to busy to write any of my fancy shmancy articles, but I have some dubbing news. Jeff Nimoy has taken over dub directing duties for Blue Dragon. Categories: News
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